
In today’s western world, a lot of us tend to rely on external factors to feel happy or satisfied. We can only be happy “if” or “when,” and so anything and everything can block our path to inner peace. Our society is built on being successful or “winning the game of life.”

The people we meet in Ecstatic! are not reliant upon success, power or wealth. They derive joy out of the simplest things. Managing to stay compassionate and generous, they have found a way to truly live in the moment.

The feel for all six episodes is a mix of fun, spontaneity and quirkiness, combined with deeper and more reflective moments. There is an emphasis on each person’s personal philosophy as we try to answer the question “How do they manage to live so happy?”

Ecstatic! the TV series explores how ten subjects, Canadians aged 45 and up, from diverse ethnicities and of different religious or spiritual beliefs, have managed to find peace and balance by enjoying their life to the fullest. These ten people are our guides on the Ecstatic! TV series’ journey.  Throughout our series the audiences will explore one of five pillars of happiness: zest, gratitude, connection to others, forgiveness and optimism.

In each episode, audiences will spend time with the two guides that most exude that given pillar.

Zest is living with an awakened feeling in all of your senses and a profound appreciation for all you discover. Zestful people simply enjoy things more than other people.

Gratitude, the appreciation of given circumstances for both yourself and others, is a healthier focus than obsessing on what is “missing” in your life. Grateful people are more apt to demonstrate positive emotions and tend to be more spiritual, forgiving, empathetic and helpful. Being unthankful can cause depression, envy and neurosis.

Connection to others brings happiness, since belonging to a group gives us a sense of identity. People with strong and broad social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer.

Forgiveness allows the space for positive feelings to grow. When we hold onto anger, bitterness, and hatred, we cannot experience joy or appreciation.

Countless studies show that people who think optimistically report fewer symptoms of depression, do better in school and in sports, are more productive at work, and are physically healthier than people who think pessimistically.